One of the two Parks and Recreation episodes airing tomorrow features a cameo by the inimitable Patton Oswalt who demonstrates at length what makes him so inimitable.

Oswalt, playing an aggrieved Pawnee resident, invokes a local bylaw allowing for a citizen filibuster to prevent a city council vote from taking place.

For the scene, the show's producers asked Oswalt to "ramble a bit about whatever subject he wanted."

And so he did.

For eight magical minutes, Oswalt completely improvises a glorious rant about the Walt Disney Company's upcoming J. J. Abrams-helmed Star Wars sequel and the crossover possibilities that stem from Disney's ownership of Marvel Entertainment.

As the AV Club says: "Patton Oswalt's improvised Parks And Recreation filibuster will make you wish [he] was writing Star Wars: Episode VII."

[video via NBC]