911 Call: Subway Put Marinara Sauce on My Pizza, and It's Terrible

A woman called 911 last Thursday to report her local Subway franchise for putting marinara—instead of "pizza sauce"—on her flatbread pizza, and ended up in jail herself for misuse of the 911 system.
"It's terrible," Bevalente Michette Hall told a Gastonia, N.C., police dispatcher, "I told 'em I can't eat this kind of sauce."
In the call, obtained by the Gaston Gazette, she demanded police take her report so she could get her story on local news channel Action 9, and that they force Subway to refund her money or make her another pizza.
The dispatcher ended the call by agreeing to send an officer, but Hall didn't get the result she wanted. She was jailed "for three minutes" and released on a $2,000 bond, the Gazette reported.
According to Subway's website, all its pizzas come with marinara sauce.