Donald Trump shows off his strong, large hands at a fundraiser for dear friend Chris Christie. Image: Getty

Everyone’s out to get Donald Trump.

From the liberal media to the liberal polls to the liberal IRS, nearly everyone wants to take down Boca Tanning Club success story Donald J. Trump. But Donald Trump doesn’t let the haters and losers get off that easy. Instead, he tweets. And screams and chides and tweets some more.

It’s because of all that tweeting and hollering, though, that we know exactly who among us has a sick, personal bias against our future President Trump.

Here are all the people and things that have it in for Donald Trump—sad lightweights, every one.

BBC, The

Chozick, Amy, New York Times third rate reporter


Cupp, S.E. of CNN

Curiel, Gonzalo, District Judge



Des Moines Register, The

(Definitely not) Fox News

Editorial board, The (failing) Wall Street Journal’s


Fox News

Haberman, Maggie, New York Times third rate reporter

Hayes, Stephen, of The Weekly Standard

Huffington Post, The

IRS, The

Kelly, Megyn of Fox News

Krauthammer, Charles of Fox News

Louis, Errol, Journalist

Media, The

Meet the Press on NBC


New York Magazine (aka New York “Ragazine”)

New York Times, The (failing)


O’Reilly, Bill of Fox News

People who work for Donald Trump’s campaign


Raddatz, Martha of ABC News


Rove, Karl

Smith, Shepard of Fox News

Time Magazine

Todd, Chuck of MSNBC

Wall Street Journal, The (failing)

Will, George of Fox News
