A blind Los Angeles man was killed and decapitated last week—and his killer (or killers) took his head with them when their job was finished, cops say.

Robert Hollis, who was 75 years old and “80 percent blind,” was reportedly known around the neighborhood as Mr. Bojangles due to his love of music. His family says he was just starting to get used to life without sight when his head was forcibly removed. Via the LA Times:

In recent years, Hollis, a sign maker and singer, had lost his sight. Recently, he had been taking Braille classes and “getting out” more, [ex-wife] Norma Hollis said. He had just finished his first book in Braille. Though the two were divorced, they remained close, and she called him her “soul mate.”

“He was getting active again,” she said.

According to CBS, Hollis’s adult son discovered the gruesome scene last Thursday afternoon when Hollis failed to show up for a regular grocery shopping appointment.

Now, his family is trying to figure out what happened—not only is Hollis’s head missing, they say, but there was no sign anything was stolen from his home.

The city is currently offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.

“We all know we are mortal,” Hollis’s friend told CBS, “But we don’t expect to be decapitated.”

Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.