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As Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump begins to mull over his options for vice president, here’s hoping he’ll shoot for the moon—or, more particularly, a man who loves the moon.

That man is none other than moon colony propagandist Newt Gingrich. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Gingrich is positively chomping at the bit to be Donald Trump’s lapdog:

With Trump saying he’s likely to tap a sidekick with political experience for the job, the ex-Georgian has landed on a string of lists from pundits and pollsters as a potential candidate for the gig.

“I have no idea what his thinking is right now. I don’t have any interest in the sense that I’m going to go out and try to become his vice president,” Gingrich told Channel 2 Action News. “I would obviously have to listen carefully if he called. He’s an old friend, and I think any time a potential president calls a citizen, a citizen owes them an obligation.”

This isn’t the first time Gingrich has made his aspirations clear—ABC reports that Gingrich has been “openly speculating” about considering the offer for some time. Gail Collins at The New York Times aptly writes that Gingrich is “hopping up and down and waving his hand.”

Gingrich, former the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is best known and perhaps only known what he lovingly calls “the weirdest thing I’ve ever done.” In 2012, the congressman drafted a bill that would create a lunar colony that could gain to statehood after 13,000 residents lived on it.

In my opinion, a vice president with lunar aspirations would bring some much-needed grounding to the Trump campaign. Make the Moon Great Again!