Are you a parent? Have you hired a nanny? Have you given that nanny a written "job description?" Is it 22 pages long? You monster.

In an anonymous post today on the blog I Saw Your Nanny, a person who says that they interviewed for a nanny position in NYC last month posts some excerpts from the 20+ page job description she was given. I have no idea if this is real. If it is real, the $1,250 per week that this job reportedly paid is not nearly enough. A few samples:

"The children should not leave the house for any reason in clothes that have not been properly pressed. The exception to this rule is if the children are specifically going to engage in a sport in which time they should be appropriately attired for that activity......To ensure that the children have a selection of pressed outfits available, please retrieve completed pressed clothing from the laundry room and leave new outfits for X to press. X does not go upstairs, so you must bring the clothing to her. This is your responsibility alone. Each child should have five pressed outfits minimum at the ready."


"The children are restricted as to the media they may access. The children may not watch any television program that offers up music or music videos, nor may they listen to any radio station, excepting jazz, classical or public radio. If your tastes exists outside these parameters, please utilize ear buds to listen to your music of choice, and then only as it is safe to do so."


"Please do not adjust the temperature of the house, or the freezers or refrigerator. Please adjust your manner of dress to accommodate the temperature of our home."


"Please do not provide our address to any friends or family. We do not allow outside guests or visitors to our home. Likewise, the children's play activities should all be scheduled well in advance. Any family of ours coming to visit the children will provide notice to us and I shall alert you in that instance."


Maybe they are all VAMPIRES.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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