A guy has taken the time to painstakingly analyze and rank all of the cuss words in popular rap albums from 1985-2013. The least we can do is to find out what he discovered.

I imagine Andrew Powell-Morse with a notepad and an abacus and a tape deck, toting up every last "fuck" and "bitch" and "pussy" on every Too Short album in the past three decades. You have to respect that level of workmanship. Here is the full post that Powell-Morse assembled, on the Best Tickets blog. Among his findings:

-Tupac had the two most profane popular rap albums in history.

-Too Short's Raw, Uncut, & X-Rated had the highest number of cuss words per song in hip hop history.

-The Geto Boys have the highest cuss words per song average of any group in the survey.

-"Real Nigga Roll Call" by Lil Jon and Ice Cube reportedly has the most cuss words in any single song (that the author knows of).

Read it all here. Fuck that shit, I'm through with that bitch.

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