Aaron Carter Got Beat Up in Boston for Being on 'New Kids' Turf

An unlikely turf war took place over the weekend in Boston, if former heartthrob and Backstreet Boy's brother Aaron Carter is to be believed.
The now-25-year-old took to his Twitter account on Sunday to confirm the rumors that he had been jumped by several angry men who were allegedly members of Team New Kids on the Block.
It's true, I got my ass jumped last night. But I'm a soldier.. Errrrr
"I heard you’re doing a show here tomorrow. This is the town of the New Kids," one of the attackers reportedly shouted at Carter before the two sides danced.
Carter claims the four hangin' toughs got a few clean punches in before he made them face the music with his "6th degree black belt in Muay Thai."
Though he allegedly broke his knuckles in the scrap, Carter says he's not planning to file a police report because reporting crimes is "girlie."
"People think I'm a pretty little white boy but no way," he told TMZ. "I think I won. I'm still standing."
Back on Twitter, Carter called out New Kids' singer Jordan Knight, tweeting "this one of your homies? He got his ass handed to him last night but his boys got me."
A few hours later Carter tweeted that, despite the beef, he holds no grudges against Boston:
Stilling loving BEANTOWN!! #BostonStrong http://t.co/jRTGOPtbSH