Advisors Reportedly Fear Trump Will Announce VP on Twitter

A Bloomberg report released Wednesday offered surprising new details about Donald Trump’s search for Vice President, including his consideration of “at least one” former rival who hasn’t endorsed him and concerns within the campaign that Trump will suddenly announce his pick online.
According to Bloomberg, Trump says he’ll “probably choose” a politician from a short list of four or five people:
He is considering at least one ex-rival who has so far refused to endorse him, but who will “come over to my side,” he predicted.
Trump refused to name names, but former rivals who have been floated as potential running mates include Ohio Governor John Kasich, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Two veep finalists are respected military officials, but he said he’s less likely to end up choosing one of them “because of the fact that I think I’m going to do very well on national security.”
Trump told Bloomberg that he intends to make the announcement “the old fashioned way” at the party convention next month, but advisors reportedly worry that he “may decide on his own to post the announcement on Twitter one night with little warning.”
According to The Daily Caller, the former rivals who have not endorsed Trump are Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and George Pataki.