All the Presidential Candidates' Responses to the San Bernardino Mass Shooting

After bearing some heavy criticism for being slow to respond to last week’s mass shooting, the still all-too-many presidential candidates have been quick to offer up their thoughts and, as always, their prayers in the wake of today’s shooting in San Bernardino.
Donald Trump went the “support our men in blue route”...
California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2015
... riiiight after tweeting this.
I beat Hillary in the new @FoxNews Poll head to head. SHE HAS NO STRENGTH OR STAMINA, both of which are needed to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2015
And then, of course, there was a presidential prayer circle.
Our prayers are with the victims, their families, and the first responders in San Bernardino who willingly go into harm’s way to save others
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 2, 2015
Praying for the victims, their families & the San Bernardino first responders in the wake of this tragic shooting.
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) December 2, 2015
Praying for those impacted by the shooting in California today.
— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) December 2, 2015
My thoughts and prayers are with the shooting victims and their families in San Bernardino.
— Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) December 2, 2015
My thoughts & prayers go out to those impacted by the shooting in San Bernardino, especially the first responders. -John
— John Kasich (@JohnKasich) December 2, 2015
Praying for all those victimized by the shootings in San Bernardino, California today.
— Governor Christie (@GovChristie) December 2, 2015
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, families, and brave first responders during this unspeakable tragedy.
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) December 2, 2015
The Democrats are the only candidates who have actually connected today’s shooting to gun policy in any capacity whatsoever.
I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now. -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 2, 2015
Mass shootings are becoming an almost-everyday occurrence in this country. This sickening and senseless gun violence must stop.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) December 2, 2015
Martin O’Malley, however, was the only one not craven enough to call out the NRA itself.
Horrifying news out of #SanBernardino. Enough is enough: it's time to stand up to the @NRA and enact meaningful gun safety laws
— Martin O'Malley (@MartinOMalley) December 2, 2015
We still have yet to hear from the rest of the candidates, but we will update this post when and if that changes