Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian national who intelligence officials believe to be the ringleader of ISIS attacks in Paris that killed 132 people, died in a raid early this morning, reports the Washington Post, citing “two senior European intelligence officials.”

Per the Post’s sources, Abaaoud’s death was confirmed via DNA evidence:

The confirmation was made after forensic experts combed through the aftermath — blown-out windows, floors collapsed by explosions — presumably seeking DNA and other evidence. The intelligence officials spoke on condition of anonymity before announcements from authorities.

Paris officials held a press conference this afternoon regarding the raid, which took place in a suburb north of Paris called Saint-Denis, revealing that police fired over 5,000 rounds during in the stand-off. Officials also stated that two people were killed: a woman who detonated a suicide vest and a man who was killed by a grenade. Seven others were detained in the raid and five police officers were injured.

Officials at the press conference did not confirm if the deceased man was indeed Abaaoud.

[top image via Yahoo]

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