While Amanda Bynes continues to insist she isn't insane or addicted to drugs — "I'm allergic to alcohol" she recently told In Touch — her TwitPics tell another story.

Just one day after tweeting a photo of herself in nothing but a black bra and pantyhose — and then retweeting all the gossip outlets that mentioned her — Bynes followed that up by tweeting two photos of herself in nothing but lacy underwear.

The topless shots of the "increasingly eccentric" actress were apparently enough to convince Kim Kardashian's ex-publicist Jonathan Jaxson that Bynes was in need of immediate assistance.

So he sicced the cops on her.

"I just spoke to @AmandaBynes and she is soooo messed up on drugs and please @NY_POLICE find her and help her," he tweeted. "I don't know her address! @TMZ"

The NYPD eventually showed up, at which point Jenny McCarthy chimed in.

"Police are at @AmandaBynes house," she informed her Twitter followers. "I hope they get her help. Enough of this circus. She needs help."

It's unclear what became of the late-night cop pop-in — Bynes has been unusually mum — but some are still holding out hope that Bynes is merely trolling the world and isn't really the wreck she seems.

"I have no clue [why people say I’m insane]," she told In Touch in that same "rare" interview. "Every time I’ve heard it, it came from an ugly person’s mouth, so I don’t care."

UPDATE: Amanda Bynes just took to her Twitter account to deny that the cops paid her a visit. She also had a few choice words for nosy nelly Jenny McCarthy:

You're ugly! Police weren't at my house old lady! Shut the fuck up!...I need help? What are u talking about? Aren't u 50 years old? I'm 27, u look 80 compared to me! Why are you talking about me?

Bynes then retweeted Entertainment Tonight's mention of her beef with McCarthy before following up with this tweet in response to McCarthy's apology: "thanks! I'm sorry I offended you! You're beautiful! I was lying! I'll delete our tweets!"

[photos via Twitter]