After a week of erratic, troubling behavior, Amanda Bynes has reportedly been placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold at a California hospital. According to People, the actress was admitted for treatment shortly after landing at LAX Friday afternoon.

TMZ reports that Bynes believed she was being taken to meet with her parents and their lawyer before arriving at the Pasadena hospital and being surrounded by staff.

Also according to TMZ, Bynes is being held there under a so-called "5150 hold," named after the section of California's legal code that allows for the involuntary commitment of a person who is "a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled" due to mental illness.

A 5150 hold lasts for 72 hours, after which doctors can extend the commitment by an additional 14 days.

The actress made headlines this week after a series of strange statements and actions, starting with an "unbalanced" InTouch interview in which she accused people of reading her mind via a microchip in her brain. On Friday, Bynes blamed the microchip for claims (she later recanted) about her father's physical and sexual abuse, adding "but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me."

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