Another Jane Doe From Bill Cosby Civil Lawsuit Reveals Herself
Another of Bill Cosby's alleged victims has joined the growing chorus of women breaking their silence: Donna Motsinger has come forward as one of the 12 Jane Does from former Temple University athletics director Andrea Constand's 2005 civil suit against Bill Cosby.
She told the New York Post that the comedian drugged and raped her in Sausalito, Ca. in 1971 when she worked as a waitress at a jazz club.
"I feel guilty not telling my story," Motsinger, now 73, told the Post. "I'm a coward over here. Those women are brave. It's the least I can do. I want to tell people so [the victims] can't be bullied, so they can't be discredited."
Motsinger claims to have been Jane Doe No. 8 in Constand's case. Another of those 12 alleged Jane Does—Kristina Ruehli—detailed her abuse by Cosby to Philadelphia magazine last week. Constand's case was settled out of court in 2006. None of the Jane Does testified.
[H/T US Weekly // Image via Getty]