Frat bros at San Diego State University were not content to let a Take Back the Night March go unbothered last Friday, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. The paper reports that bros from two different frats yelled obscenities and threw eggs at women protesting sexual assault on campus. Some reportedly waved dildos in their faces.

The bros' antics are made all the more frightening when you consider that an SDSU student reported she was raped at a frat house on Saturday, just 24 hours after the march. According to the Union-Tribune, she is the seventh student to report a sexual assault on campus since September.

In light of the Take Back the Night harassment and these alleged assaults, SDSU's InterFraternity Council announced yesterday that it was suspending all fraternity social activities until its members undergo sexual assault prevention training. A campus spokeswoman told the Union-Tribune that SDSU is investigating the harassment as a code of conduct violation.

End fraternities.

[Photo via Fox 5]