Noah Ritter, the five-year-old beating heart and soul of our nation, made his second-ever television appearance on the Today Show this morning.

Unfortunately, there's precious little to dissect in this new interview with the redheaded favorite son of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Let's get right to it.

Noah Ritter on how he was discovered:

"They just spotted me, and then boom—they put me on the show. They put me on. Just interviewed me."

On his trademark word:

"No, I don't know how to spell 'apparently.' Don't know what it means. I use it: 'Wow, this is apparently annoying.'"

On his newfound fame:

"It's like being a thousand drops of heaven."

And that's it. Not much, but enough to remind us of everything that is valuable and good in this big, frightening world.