Arianna Huffington Would Like to Remind You She Lives in an Opulent Palace

Media mogul and schmooze artist Arianna Huffington is currently in contract negotiations with her newly unionized employees, and doing her best to piss them off. What better time to show off her fabulous wealth?
Yesterday, people who care about outdated concepts such as “gross conflicts of interest” were perhaps upset to learn that Arianna, who serves as the top editor of her news site, was joining the board of Uber. That’s crazy, journalistically speaking! Among those upset by the news were reporters who work at Huffington Post and often cover Uber. These same reporters recently unionized (with the WGAE, the same union that Gawker Media belongs to), despite some pronounced foot-dragging by the company. All of this will serve as the backdrop for the contract negotiations of hundreds of HuffPo journalists and editors forced to operate in Arianna-land.
Anyhow... did you know that Arianna is extremely rich and lives in an opulent Soho apartment resplendent with the finest luxury goods? If not, you can be reminded of this fact in exquisite detail today thanks to this new New York Times Real Estate section profile of Arianna at home. What rare treasures occupy her custom-decorated multimillion-dollar loft? “Thronelike bergère chair covered in brocade Fortuny fabric?” Check. A “custom bookcase, a gilded Louis XV desk, gilded bronze and cobalt 18th-century candelabra and a 19th-century Italian mirror above the fireplace?” Check. A tossed-off allusion to her second home in Brentwood, with “a garden of entirely white flowers?” Check.
The knowledge that you are a journalist making a very modest living while working for this lady who lounges in a palatial apartment each night plotting ways to embarrass you by indulging in grotesque corporate makeout parties with some of America’s most controversial CEOs? Priceless.