Mike Maggio is a judge in Arkansas. He is also a big LSU fan. He is also the commenter geauxjudge on an LSU fan site, and he posts some peachy comments there about sluts, gays, minorities, rodeo sex fantasies, and this one time he presided over Charlize Theron's son's adoption.

Maggio was first outed by a local political blogger, Matt Campbell, on his Blue Hog Report site. BHR has an epic—and I mean, Odyssey-length epic—accounting of the myriad ways in which Maggio's id spills out on the keyboard:

He gets slightly oversharey (and racial) on Theron's adoption proceeding:

He intones on divorce settlements and "golden vaginas":

He tackles the slut/whore taxonomy:

He defines "rodeo sex":

He thinks ladies should stay with shitbags:

But whatever, because women be crazy:

Also, ethnic people amirite:

Also, gay stuff is funny and gross:

Maggio acknowledged the comments were his on Wednesday, according to the AP, and he "also ended his campaign for a seat on the Arkansas Court of Appeals":

"I take full responsibility for the comments that have been attributed to me," Maggio said in a statement. "I apologize deeply for my lapse in personal judgment and for that, I have no excuse. The comments posted were not acceptable. These comments are not a reflection of who I am."

Who is the real Mike Maggio? Just a man. A man with some thoughts on life. And a fantastic tie.

[Photo credit: AP]