A humble pedestrian was strolling down Burgundy St. in New Orleans last Saturday around 5 AM, when he was suddenly approached by a shotgun-wielding robber who demanded he hand over his money.

What happened next was pure Hollywood.

In seconds, the mild-mannered victim transformed into an ass-kicking punisher, quickly disarming the gunman and chasing him down the street.

Moments later the victim was approached by two black males in a black four door sedan (possibly a Honda Accord). The driver of the vehicle said to the victim "give me my gun back and I'll give you your phone that you dropped". The victim then used the shotgun to strike the rear windshield of the vehicle causing it to break. The two subjects then fled on Frenchmen to St. Claude and then unknown.

The New Orleans Police Department says a similar incident occurred last Friday around midnight.

Though the victim in that instance did not go all Death Wish on the perps, he did manage to escape without giving them any money.

[H/T: Fark]