There are unspoken perks to having your dad be the basketball coach and an assistant principal at your high school. Like if you're the son of Cool Dad Abdurrahim Ali, formerly of Bread and Roses High School in Harlem, you get 11 of your failing grades changed to passing ones.

But if your cool dad does this, he will be fined and no longer have a job at your school. Ali has been charged $7,000 by New York's appropriately-titled Conflict of Interest Board for having altered his son's grades 11 times over the course of his high school career, 2009 to 2013.

"I used my Bread and Roses administrator identification and password to log into the Bread and Roses student grading program and changed 11 of my son's exam and course grades from failing to passing scores," Ali said in the case's disposition.

According to the New York Daily News, Ali has been reassigned away from Bread and Roses, but has not been placed at a new school. He remains on the Department of Education's payroll with a $104,437 annual salary.

"Mr. Ali abused his position, and has been disciplined for his inappropriate actions. The DOE is committed to swiftly addressing any improper behavior in our classrooms, to ensure that we are delivering a high-quality education to all our students," a Dept. of Education spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal.

The school, the Daily News reports, is expected to close by 2016 for poor performance.

[H/T Gothamist // Image via Shuterstock]