As our own Hamilton Nolan outlined in his universally beloved piece "Against Editors," the typical career track in journalism pushes talented young writers to become editors, where they get comfy and grow old... and lose touch of who is famous, leading to sad and embarrassing errors like the following ones from the New York Times.

These are some things that you—a person who is alive in the western world—know that editors at the New York Times do not.

How to spell Rihanna's name.

From an Aug. 27 story in the sports section.

It seems unfathomable that someone could gaze at the word "Rhianna" and not be viscerally repulsed by how wrong it looks.

The name of Beyoncé and Jay Z's daughter

From an Aug. 25 story about the Video Awards Music.

Ivy Blue Carter, smh.

This all comes on the heels of a story in last weekend's paper in which Chris Brown—a singer, definitely a singer—was once again identified as a rapper, which necessitated a correction of its own.

In fairness to the Times, ex-Gawker editor John Cook once revealed to me that he thought A$AP Rocky was a woman, and now he's personally in control of every American state secret.

Nonetheless, the Times should hire a Millennial-in-Chief. BuzzFeed would never let this happen.

[image via Getty]