The Bay Area is flooding—with tears. A torrent is pouring from the home of writer Ayelet Waldman and her husband Michael Chabon (whom she loves more than her children), where, Waldman writes, the couple's 11-year-old son has been robbed of $120 by "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood," a cartoon game that one plays for leisure on his cellular or tablet device.

But while clouds have gathered over sunny Berkeley, Calif., Waldman has taken to her powerful platform to crusade against the "vile scumbag Kardashian pigs."

Hmmm. Who is really at fault here? The "vile scumbag Kardashian pigs and their app designers" for creating a fun game? Waldman's poor, weeping son who evidently does not understand the value of a dollar? The mysterious person who linked her son's Apple account to a credit card?

One thing is for certain: Blame does NOT lie with Waldman's hunka-hunka writer husband, Michael Chabon, who in addition to having tremendous erotic skill and a facility with the written word is also a technological wizard.

We'll let the mystery of "blame" for this personal Benghazi stand. Until then, you can rest assured: Waldman's money has been refunded by the Apple store.