After a grand jury decided not to indict officer Daniel Pantaleo for killing Eric Garner yesterday, professional Twitter troll Azealia Banks took her opportunity to accuse Australian rapper Iggy Azalea of not caring about black people.

While pleading for justice in Garner's case on Twitter, Banks pointed out that Iggy was not doing the same.

Banks then continued her rant by tweeting her wishes to "like, fill a jar with piss and mayo and eggs and just dump that shit on that bitch's head LMFAOOOOOOO."

Iggy responded hours later on Twitter, rightly calling Banks out for trolling and urging her fans to "sign petitions, hit the streets and protest or donate to groups helping to support and rebuild the community too."

It's unclear whether Iggy realized Banks was talking about Eric Garner, however. As a way to "help," she tweeted out a link to's "5 Ways You Can Help Ferguson, Its Protesters, and Mike Brown's Family."

Iggy, at least, seems sincere in her desire to "help." Banks rounded out her night on Twitter by asking why she can't use the word "faggot."

[Photos via Getty]