Aziz Ansari Wrote the Perfect Friday Night Lights Super Bowl

The Friday Night Lights movie may never happen, but tonight Aziz Ansari wrote the second-best thing — Friday Night Lights: The Super Bowl Edition.
It started with a joke.
So excited for the Super Bowl tonight: The Dillon Panthers vs. The East Dillon Lions! #AzizsFNLBowl2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Then Scott Porter (quarterback Jason Street) and Michael B. Jordan (quarterback Vince Howard) responded.
“@azizansari: So excited for the Super Bowl tonight: The Dillon Panthers vs. The East Dillon Lions! #AzizsFNLBowl2”
— Scott Porter (@ScottPorter) February 2, 2014
BREAKING: Big Tim Riggins was just seen leaving Flashdancers early this AM. Coach Taylor - not pleased. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Smash Williams spotted leaving the Spotted Pig, reportedly in talks with Shawn "Jay Z" Carter to sign to Roc Nation Sports. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Saracen "very moved" by James Turrell exhibit at Guggenheim. Taking Grandma Saracen to Bloomingdales to "get her a new perfume." #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
.@paulscheer reports: I'm on the field with Buddy Garrity and he's promising free car leases to the winning team. #FNLBowl2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Then he brought Breaking Bad into it.
Landry's Uncle Jack and friends seen making a rather odd visit to the opposing teams locker room. Players seem rattled. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
BREAKING: Crucifictorious REPLACED by Bruno Mars for Half Time show. Landry - not pleased. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Tinker reportedly not yet at the stadium. Still in line for a ShackBurger. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Big Tim Riggins nowhere to be found. Last spotted having a PBR at Lit on 2nd Ave at 3:45am last night. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Buddy Garrity also MIA, stuck in traffic after "quick stop" at Eataly. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 2, 2014
Very sad. Grandma Saracen gets confused at Madame Tussad's. Claims Harrison Ford "rude" for not accepting invite to the game. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 3, 2014
OVERHEARD: "Smash you listening to me or texting Drake about an after party?! Get your head in the game son!" - Coach Taylor #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 3, 2014
BREAKING: Luke Cafferty no where to be seen. Reportedly seen taking his girlfriend Becky to see "Book of Mormon" instead. #FNLBOWL2
— Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) February 3, 2014
[image via AP]