In the week before he shot four students to death at at Marysville-Pilchuck High School last month, 15-year-old Jaylen Fryberg sent dozens of ominous text messages to friends and family members. "Bang bang I'm dead" one reads. "I set the date. Hopefully you regret not talking to me," reads another.

The Daily Herald of Everett obtained descriptions of the text messages from a local police detective's search warrant. Among other things, police learned that, on October 18, Fryberg became upset with a 15-year-old girl described by police as one of his "close friends."

"Ohk (sic) well don't bother coming to my funeral," Fryberg said in a text to her sent on the 18th. The teen ignored him, and four days Fryberg sent four more texts:

"I set the date. Hopefully you regret not talking to me"

"You have no idea what I'm talking about. But you will"

"Bang bang I'm dead"

When his friend asked him to stop, Fryberg replied: "No. You don't care. I don't care."

From the Daily Herald:

When she stopped responding Jaylen tried to reach her through another friend.

On the morning of the shootings, Jaylen used Facebook to send that friend a picture of a gun sitting between his legs, according to the search warrant. He told the friend to have the other girl "call me before I do this." The message was sent about 10:25 a.m., minutes before Jaylen began shooting.

The gun in the photograph appears to be the same weapon detectives found lying on a table in the cafeteria after the shootings.

Fryberg also sent dozens of texts to family members, asking them apologize to the families of the students "who get caught up in the (expletive) tomorrow." In other texts to his family, he detailed arrangements for his own funeral, including what he wanted to wear.

After shooting Gia Soriano, Zoe Galasso, Nate Hatch, and Shaylee Chuckulnaskit, all 14, and Andrew Fryberg, 15, in Marysville-Pilchuck's cafeteria on October 24, Fryberg committed suicide. Of the wounded students, only Hatch—who was shot in the jaw—survived.

[Image via AP]