A BASE jumper attempting a cliff dive off the side of "Wall Street" near Moab, Utah, suffered a brutal fall after a poor parachute opening — and the entire thing was captured on his headcam.

It was apparent equipment failure that sent Thayer Healey of Ohio spinning out of control down the cliff's jagged surface.

Despite the harrowing footage, Healey somehow made it out with alive and in relatively good condition.

"Compression Fracture of the T12 Vertebra, 5 stitches to the eye, 6 stitches to the chin, severely sprained Back, wrist and hand. multiple bruised areas," he wrote in the video's description field.

After spending just one day in the hospital, the aptly named man was discharged.

Taking to his Facebook page, he penned the understatement of the year: "I really lucked out on that one."

[H/T: Mediaite]