What is Kanye West looking at on his iPad in this ho-hum normal Vogue photo of a boring family having a regular-ass day at home? Use the image template we created to make it anything at all!

The original image comes from Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Annie Leibovitz-shot Vogue spread, which leaked on Monday, to a litany of jeers and complaints:

  • Doesn't it seem like the members of this family met for the first time at this photo shoot?
  • How is it they can afford a mirror-walled nursery but their baby has no clothes?
  • Why isn't that baby wearing a seatbelt on that private aeroplane?
  • Why isn't that baby wearing clothes made out of mirrors?

This one has been singled out for special mockery, due to the fact the resulting image has been Photoshopped beyond the realm of earthly physics.

But why should the drunk magicians at Vogue have all the fun? We put together a PNG image with a transparency where Kanye's iPad screen is. Use it to make Kanye look at whatever you want:

Just right-click, and select "Save Image As."

Then play around to your heart's content! Not too much, though. There is no room for lightness or fun in the glamorous lives of the #WORLDSMOSTTALKEDABOUTCOUPLE.

Please share your best images in the comments.

[Image by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue]