Best Taco Truck Ever Was Also Selling Meth

A Colorado taco truck — arguably the greatest taco truck in Colorado or anywhere else — has been driven out of business by people who disapproved of its business model. That model: selling methamphetamine in addition to tacos, a move which presumably delighted its customers, but seems to have really displeased the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Colorado state police.
Colorado State Attorney General John Suthers announced Monday that federal and state authorities had indicted 17 people and seized 55 pounds of meth in a sting dubbed "Operation Cargo." The alleged ringleader of the operation, 37-year-old Juan Carlos Gonzalez, is accused of running a drug cartel out of his BMW, importing meth and a little coke from Mexico and distributing it to a variety of smaller dealers to sell. One woman, Maria Arellano, is accused of selling meth out of her downtown Denver taco truck.
"The brazenness of this ring was astounding," Suthers told reporters. "For example, customers could literally walk up to a food truck and order a side of meth with their taco."
Fifteen of the 17 indicted people have already been arrested, while two are still at large. They face a laundry list of charges: money laundering, conspiracy, tax evasion and intent to distribute a control substance. The meth-filled taco truck has probably been towed to an impound lot somewhere, still bursting with tacos and probably a little meth residue. Just try not to dwell too much on what you can no longer have.
[Image courtesy of the Colorado Attorney General's office]