Following Solange's attempt yesterday to erase Beyoncé from the historical record by apparently purging (almost) all photos of her from her Instagram account*, Beyoncé hit back in classic big sister fashion early Wednesday morning, uploading a bunch of photos of the two of them to her Instagram, and effectively commanding Solange in a calm, quiet voice to stop hitting herself, stop hitting herself.

The first of the four images shows Solange kicking her leg in the air with an exuberance normally reserved for those instances when it is about to make contact with Jay-Z's stomach. Beyoncé has captioned this photograph "Good Morning [pictogram of bumblebee]."

The other images shared consist of Beyoncé and Solange touching heads in front of a tire in Jamaica, regular Beyoncé and awkward teen Solange touching heads at the 2005 NBA All Star Game, and Beyoncé wearing a hat at Solange's 2014 Coachella performance while Solange is there too.

UPDATE: Beyoncé just uploaded a photograph of herself with Rihanna (whose party is rumored to have been at the center of the Jay Z/Solange confrontation) to Instagram. Beyoncé, one of the chillest citizens of the United States, cannot stop Instagramming photos of people she is cool with. Up next: a photo of Beyoncé standing next to a smiling elevator attendant. No subtext! Just her normal Wednesday photos.

*UPDATE: MTV News is now reporting that Solange deleted only the most recent photo of herself with Beyoncé, taken the night of the Met Gala brawl. If you are in personal contact with Beyoncé, please alert her to this development.

[Image via Instagram]