It's said that connections can open a lot of doors, but Caroline Biden learned last month that jail cell doors aren't among them.

Caroline was arrested in September after she allegedly had a violent confrontation with her roommate over unpaid rent. The New York Post reports that it has learned she tried to get off easy once the cops arrived, telling them, "I shouldn't be handcuffed! You don't know who you're doing this to." She also reportedly told them not to go through her handbag because it contained "secret service stuff."

After two hours of questioning at the police station, she reportedly asked to use the bathroom. When the door was opened, the police report says, she informed them that she was leaving and attempted to simply slip past the trained police officer blocking her way. She eventually made a phone call (to her semi-powerful father, not her almost-all-powerful uncle) to escape police custody.

Friends say she has in the past struggled with alcohol and pill problems, and during questioning cops apparently wondered whether her behavior could be chalked up to medication.

[image via Getty]