[There was a video here]

Earlier this summer, before Miley Cyrus became the most offensive white person ever to wield a foam hand and darting tongue, a young woman named Aaryn Gries spewed racist and homophobic bile on a trashy staple of modern life and television called Big Brother. Last night that woman was evicted by her competitors and confronted by audience jeers and a real, live Asian person whose primary function is not to cook rice or do nails, the host of Big Brother Julie Chen. Naturally, Gries' head exploded.

Chen, who said she took Gries' slurs personally, lightly grilled the former house guest on her remarks. That's pretty satisfying, as is Gries' inability to articulate...just about anything. Good riddance.

Edited to add this footage of Aaryn being booed, just to maximize the fun.

[There was a video here]