Bill Cosby Was Getting Quaaludes From His Gynecologist

Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries in Bill Cosby’s alleged modus operandi was, “Where on earth was this man getting so many Quaaludes?” And now, thanks to his damning 2005 deposition, we know: he was getting them from his gynecologist.
According to the Washington Post, Cosby would make appointments with Hollywood lady doctor Leroy Amar—not for a routine pap smear or an annual mammogram, one might be surprised to learn—but rather, with the intention of making future victims a bit more compliant.
In the transcript, Cosby says he received seven prescriptions for Quaaludes, all of which were obtained from Amar, a gynecologist, ostensibly for a sore back.
“Did he know when he gave you those prescriptions that you had no intention of taking them?” a lawyer asked Cosby in the 2005 deposition.
“Yes,” the entertainer replied.
“Did you believe at that time that it was illegal for you to dispense those drugs?”
“Yes,” Cosby answered.
And, according to the transcripts, Dr. Amar knew or eventually found out exactly what Cosby was using the drugs for: in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s Cosby allegedly assaulted a friend of Amar’s, leading the doctor to “confront Cosby, almost coming to blows.”
But the doc’s one-time, semi-chivalrous reaction couldn’t make up for the fact that he was a horrifyingly uncaring and criminally inept physician, the Post reports.
In California, the medical board revoked Amar’s license in 1979 after finding that he acted with gross incompetence and negligence and had “engaged in the most serious misconduct.” In 1985, his license was reinstated under a host of conditions, including that he would never again perform surgery. But he failed to pay his licensing fees and never practiced in California again, records show.
The disciplinary documents reveal harrowing details of numerous plastic surgeries gone awry, including one woman whose implant ripped through her stitches and protruded from her breast as she developed a 102-degree fever and an infection. In another case, no one was available to administer general anesthesia, so Amar performed breast surgery with only a local numbing agent.
Cosby’s lawyer says his disgraced client only used the drugs for “recreational purposes and during consensual sex,” citing “countless tales of celebrities, music stars, and wealthy socialites in the 1970’s.”
Amar, like Cosby’s career, reportedly died in the early 2000’s.