In the wake of renewed rape allegations, Bill Cosby has seen his Netflix special postponed, his planned comeback sitcom killed and reruns of The Cosby Show pulled from rotation. According to the comedian's lawyers, however, it's not Cosby that should be worried, but the journalists covering his alleged crimes.

On Wednesday, Buzzfeed published a letter from Cosby attorney Martin Singer categorically denying the claims made this week by model Janice Dickenson and cautioning "in the strongest possible terms" against repeating her story, which Singer called "an outrageous defamatory lie."

"If you recklessly publish the Story instead of checking readily available information demonstrating its falsity," wrote Singer, "all those involved will be exposed to very substantial liability."

"You proceed at your own peril," he added.

On Tuesday, Dickenson told Entertainment Tonight that Cosby drugged and raped her in the 1980s. "[T]he last thing I remember was Bill Cosby in a patchwork robe, dropping his robe and getting on top of me," said Dickenson. "And I remember a lot of pain."

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