Billy Joel (b. 1949, the Bronx) does not think New Yorkers should complain about the fact that Pennsylvania native and verifiably insane person Taylor Swift is now the Global Welcome Ambassador for New York City. In fact, grumbly New Yorkers who think she's embarrassing are, in a word, "snoots."

Joel told USA Today, "I see the New York press going, 'Taylor Swift is going to be the new New York representative?' You snoots. Let her in. That's what New York is all about. I say, 'Welcome.'"

Ya hear that Tay? Billy Joel—he sings "New York State of Mind"—says "welcome." Welcome to New York.

Joel continued, "I think [Taylor's] a talented songwriter. She catches a lot of junk, maybe because she's so popular with young girls. But I like what she's projecting. I respect what she's doing."

Guess we all gotta eat our hats!

[Photos via Getty]