Blair Cornelia Waldorf and Seth Ezekiel Cohen were married recently in a private ("super-secret") ceremony, reports Us Weekly.

The bride attended both New York University and Columbia (after being rejected by Yale due to drama and sabotage), ultimately graduating from neither. The groom attended the Rhode Island School of Design for an indeterminate amount of time to pursue work on his pet project "Atomic County," a comic book inspired by his relationship with three high school friends.

The couple met during their twelfth year of being teenagers, at the commitment ceremony of their mutual friend, socialite and monster Serena van der Woodsen, to a mental institution.

Mrs. Cohen, 23, is president of the billion-dollar fashion house Waldorf Designs, which seems rather reckless.

She is the daughter of Eleanor Waldorf-Rose and Harold Waldorf, both of New York City. The bride's mother, now retired, is the founder of Waldorf Designs. Her father surprised everyone by being gay.

Mr. Cohen, 26, does something with apps.

He is the son of Sanford Cohen, of New York City, and Kirsten Cohen, of Newport Beach. The groom's father is a professor of law. His mother is co-founder of the high-income dating service NewMatch. Both Cohens previously served as CEOs of the Newport Group, a real estate & development company based in Orange County.

This is the second marriage for the groom and the third for the bride, who was briefly styled Her Serene Highness, Princess Blair of Monaco during a short-lived marriage to crown prince Louis Grimaldi, whose accent indicated he had never been there. She has one eccentrically dressed child, Henry Bass, from a previous marriage to a roller coaster tycoon.

The couple plan to raise their children in the church of their Divine Creator, Josh Schwartz.

[Image by Jim Cooke, photo via Getty]