[There was a video here]

Surprise! Experienced exorcist and current Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal is running for President. Now, some candidates’ announcement videos may focus on things like production, a candidates’ values, and actors who have consented to being filmed—but Bobby Jindal isn’t like other candidates. Instead, here’s a video he took of his children with a camera he hid in tree.

The entire Facebook video, from premise to product, is wildly, uncomfortably, incredibly bizarre. We see Jindal, his wife, and his three children sitting out on the patio. “So, you remember the question you asked me last night?” Jindal asks one of the children. Followed by... silence. Did Jindal forget to also bug the table? Did anyone answer him? Are these even his children? Are they merely a random gathering of strangers who just happen to be assembled around a table in the same backyard? It’s impossible to know for sure.

Jindal continues. They—he and his wife—have been doing a lot of praying and thinking about “this.” He looks pointedly at each child before the big reveal. “Don’t go telling your friends,” he says. The children mutter disinterestedly. Then Jindal says, “We have decided that we are [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] this year.” Hm.

One child raises his fists in triumph. The others shrug. We knew you were going to tell us, they say. Bobby tries to liven things up a bit. “If you behave, you’ll get a chance to go back to Iowa,” Bobby says [threatens?] to another.

At the end of the video, Bobby’s wife chimes in, “Do you have any questions?” Finally! The children perk up, why yes, they do have questions. It is at this point that the video fades to black. Additional angles follow on his website.

Overall, a perfect start to Bobby Jindal’s presidential campaign: bleak, non-consensual, and mercifully short-lived.

Contact the author at ashley@gawker.com.