[There was a video here]

For Bobby Knight, an ornery old basketball coach who gets to go on TV because he backed a racist orange horse at the right time, there is just one issue at play this election: Benghazi.

Knight, who endorsed Donald Trump last week leading into the Indiana primary, indicated on April 27 that his support was tied, at least in part, to a conclusion that “Benghazi” would never occur under a Donald Trump administration.

A bold statement, and one CNN thoughtfully provided airtime for him to discuss today.

“You know, I’ll tell you one thing about Donald Trump. There will never be a Benghazi in a Donald Trump administration. I’m not sure in my lifetime I’ve seen anything where our government failed to do something for people overseas that were in trouble. That won’t happen with Donald Trump,” Knight said this morning on CNN. “Those are the things I’m concerned with.”

Incredibly, he continued: “You know, that doesn’t make any difference, whether he has been in the military or not. He has a great understanding about the value of our military, and how it would be used, and Donald Trump would have made sure that those four people that died in Benghazi, nothing would have happened to him to them with a Donald Trump administration.”

And there you have it.