Police found human remains in a field on the Virginia-North Carolina border Thursday morning in their search for Anjelica “AJ” Hadsell, the 18-year-old Longwood University student who went missing near her parents' home in Norfolk, Va. more than a month ago.

According to the Virginian-Pilot, a body was found in waist-high grass behind an abandoned home about 50 miles from where Hadsell disappeared March 2. And while authorities have said they do not suspect foul play, Hadsell's adoptive father, Wesley, was arrested by police last month for burglary and obstruction of justice. Police are awaiting results from the medical examiner to determine if the remains are indeed Hadsell's.

Neighbors told WTKR that the home had gone unoccupied for about two years—until about "three or four weeks ago," when a "a neighbor’s friend saw a blue or black Dodge Caravan go into the driveway late at night and drive around to the back of the home with no lights on."

One neighbor, Brian Potts, told WAVY, “Everybody knows everybody out here. It’s crazy...there’s a chance that it’s not the missing teenager. It could be somebody we know and just don’t realize is missing.”

[Image via WTKR]