Boko Haram kidnapped 97 men and boys and killed 28 earlier this week in a raid in northeast Nigeria. According to residents, the extremist terror group raided a farming and fishing village on the banks of Lake Chad on Monday.

News of the raid and kidnapping reached media outlets days after the initial attack due to communication issues and lack of cell phone towers, destroyed in previous attacks.

Witnesses told Reuters that six older men were killed as part of the raid, which occurred last Sunday in Doron Baga.

From eyewitness Halima Adamu, who arrived in the city of Maiduguri after fleeing the village:

"They were shouting 'Allah Akbar' (God is greatest), shooting sporadically. There was confusion everywhere. They started parking our men and boys into their vehicles, threatening to shoot whoever disobey them. Everybody was scared."

According to an unnamed security source, the military is aware of the attack and is still investigating the details. Boko Haram is responsible for the kidnapping of over 200 girls in late April, with many still missing.

[Image via AP]