Militants—likely Boko Haram—bombed a city center in Kaduna, Nigeria Wednesday. At least 25 people have been reported dead so far. According to the BBC, the attack was targeting the moderate Islamic cleric Dahiru Bauchi.

Police say Bauchi was not hurt in the attack. Boko Haram militants, who have bragged about converting kidnapped girls from Christianity to Islam, likely targeted Bauchi because his ideology does not match theirs.

Update: Kaduna Police Commissioner Umar Usman Shehu told the Associated Press that two separate bombs went off a couple hours apart.

Meanwhile, Boko Haram militants have been attacking Chibok, the town where they first kidnapped hundreds of girls. Seven of those girls' parents have died in the siege. Four others have died of shock and various heart conditions. A community leader told the Associated Press:

One father of two of the girls kidnapped just went into a kind of coma and kept repeating the names of his daughters, until life left him.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan hasn't been able to lead any kind of rescue effort, fearing that the girls will be killed.

[Image via AP]