“Mr. Worldwide” has always been in search of a Mrs. Worldwide, a special someone with whom to share his enormous wealth and love of Miami. Perhaps a fellow Floridian would do the trick! Enter Jeb Bush, formerly of the moniker Jeb!, a man who may just be the future Mrs. Worldwide—or at least Mr. Worldwide, Jr.

The pair, long considered casual friends, have been getting even closer of late. According to The New York Times, which ran a story Friday that bemoaned Bush’s cringe-inspiring sense of humor, the pair shared a friendly jest about a cockfight recently:

Jeb Bush had grown fond of Pitbull, the Miami performer gone global, who seemed to share his zeal for education policy. But Mr. Bush, a former Florida governor, had a question: Why the stage name? The artist replied that a friend had suggested it years ago while they were en route to a pit-bull fight.

“Well,” Mr. Bush replied at their meeting early this year, “good thing you weren’t on the way to a cockfight.”

Noticeably, Bush failed to mention that dogfighting is considered a felony in all 50 states—surely something that he, a man of the law, would not condone.

Besides these fascinating details about the Bush-Pitbull friendship, the piece includes some very, very sad “jokes” Bush has employed in an effort to show voters that he, too, is a humanoid.

“Are you doing a photo bomb there?” he asked in Raymond, N.H., striking a hammy pose when someone pointed at a camera. “You’re welcome.”

It’s painful as it is fascinating; a look at the man who, despite the affection of his pal Pitbull, is just about as likable as he is cool.

Gawker has reached out to the Bush campaign for details about the candidate’s stance on dogfighting; we’ll update this post if we hear back.

Update 10:24 p.m.

A spokesperson for the Bush campaign tells Gawker that “Jeb is opposed to dogfighting,” but did not say whether Jeb is opposed to Pitbull.

[Image via Getty]

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com.