Bra Holsters and Open-Carry Hipster Towns: Today in Crazy Gun News

Ladies are going crazy for "discreet" bra holsters at the NRA store, and the gents are carrying in Carytown, much to the dismay of the fixie crowd. It's all happening for Second Amendment Men and Women today.
First, to Richmond, Virginia, where the charming young men in the photograph above—in front of a children's book store, next to a toy store—have taken their appeal for equality with the gun-bereft to the artsy bohemian Carytown retail district. The "Open Cary" crew takes a weekly stroll through the streets, with a 300-strong rally planned for Independence Day.
And man, is that campaign "to raise awareness of responsible gun ownership" paying off. Via WTVR-6:
"It was something about seeing, large guns, with three people carrying a flag that made it a little scary," said Teresa Cerully, who works in Carytown.
Most understand the young men are trying to make a statement, they just aren't sure what it is, or why they picked Cary Street.
"A few weeks ago, they were standing in front of our store, talking to people about their cause and my customers were actually afraid to leave the store because they have small children and didn't know exactly what their cause was," said Sheri Doyle, Carytown shop owner.
"Getting up and doing something positive or negative is better than sitting around at your house with an opinion never actually getting up and standing for something," one of the Fourth of July rally organizers writes on his Facebook invitation page. "Nut up or shut up. I am a true patriot. Are you?"
But more discreet gun-toters, particularly the ladies, have exciting news, too. WFAA in Dallas recently flagged a rising trend among Second Amendment Women: concealed cleavage carry.
Carrying guns with conventional, man-tested methods is hard for ladies, it turns out. So they've improvised:
Carrie Lightfoot, owner of The Well Armed Woman, said that's a particularly popular place to conceal a handgun.
"It's kind of a natural location, depending on the size of the gun and the size of the 'guns,'" she quipped. "We have some things to consider, and it's not for everyone. But it's about options. Women just need options, because one day a woman is wearing a dress... the next day a suit... and the next day exercise clothing."
But Lightfoot said with the new options come some new challenges.
"Each position will require a different draw, because in the heat of the moment, you can't say, 'Hold on a second... I don't know how to draw from this thing; I have to learn now.' It just doesn't work that way," she said.
The ideal solution, it turns out, has been around for awhile: the Flashbang, a bra holster available in the NRA's online store for $39.95:

Boobs with guns: There's an idea that's never been tried.