As Deborah Cohan entered the operating room at San Francisco's Mt. Zion Hospital to undergo a double mastectomy, she would have been fully within her rights to go ballistic and throw stuff around.

Instead, however, she decided to throw an "flash mob dance party" to Beyoncé's "Get Me Bodied" with her entire medical team contributing their best moves.

Cohan, a mother of two and an OBGYN by trade, danced a step further, asking her friends and family to record their own "Get Me Bodied Flash Mob" wherever they happen to be at the time — "in the kitchen, the carwash, subway platform [Dan!], classroom, Labor and Delivery unit, wherever!" — and upload the result to YouTube.

"I have visions of a healing video montage," Cohan wrote on her CaringBridge page. "Nothing brings me greater joy than catalyzing others to dance, move, be in their bodies. Are you with me people?"

And were they ever.

Her family:

Her friends:

Her colleagues:

And the best part is that it seemed to work: According to the latest update from Deb, her surgery was a success, she is in good spirits, and there is currently "no visible lymph node involvement."

Way to go, Deb!

[H/T: Huffington Post, BuzzFeed]