[There was a video here]

Well, it looks like someone got a firm talking to.

After last week's deliciously awkward Today show interview, in which Kate Gosselin attempted to prompt, poke, and prod her 13-year-old twin daughters Mady and Cara into saying something, anything to interviewer Savannah Guthrie to very little avail, the part-time mimes tried their hands at public communication again on today's episode of The View. The results were decidedly more verbal.

Though it wasn't without more prodding with Kate ("After dinner, go for it!" she stage-mommed while pointing at Cara after Sherri Shepherd asked about chores), Mady and Cara talked about all sorts of things today: cleaning, listening to Bieber vs. One Direction, listening to One Direction vs. not listening to One Direction. This is what we've been waiting for. We're so lucky finally to be bestowed such insights.

Mady and Cara also used silence as a mode of expression, like a pair of twins plotting together to take down the world solely by their non-verbal twinspeak of squints and winks. When asked about dealing with their parents' divorce, they looked at each other and laughed. When asked about their siblings, Kate interrupted to tell Mady that this was the question she's been waiting to answer her whole life, and Mady said evenly, "You ruined my dramatic silence." It was chilling. Upon being presented with another question Mady said, "Cara would you like me to talk or would you like to talk? OK, I'll talk. I'm the more talkative one." Her tone was so measured and emotionless, it was as though she was a child of the corn and by "talkative" she meant "stabby."

Also, Mady and Cara want to do another reality show and Mady wants to sing.

Barbara Walters asked them if they see their father, Jon. "Um..." said Mady and nothing more, again employing silence for dramatic effect. That's shade. These girls are good.