Remember when New York City was perceived as some sort of gritty urban jungle? Haha. Remember when Brooklyn was perceived as an even grittier urban backwater? Hahaha. Remember when New York City was "cool?"

HAHAHAHA. It is endlessly fascinating to watch NYC, this alleged magnet for starving artists and young energy, continue its transformation into a multinational hub for millionaires, in which regular people are pushed farther and farther outside of the central city. It is like a game of urban Candy Crush, in which all of the incoming rich people send the former residents of their neighborhoods scurrying off the board. The supperrich push the rich out of Manhattan; the rich push the middle class out of Brooklyn; it's only a matter of time before the entire NYC working class will be commuting in from upstate. In the meantime, this all very academic; average rents here in the city are too expensive for you or anyone you know. But what if you look really hard?

ITEM: Brooklyn, the borough that was once supposed to be the "affordable" one, "saw its average rent climb to $3,035 in July, a hefty 8.2 percent jump from July 2012." Three thousand dollars, my friend. Have you considered the Bronx? The residents there are just waiting to be priced out.

ITEM: "Hip urban neighborhoods are aging, as a growing chunk of adults in their 50s and 60s and older give up their longtime homes and head for trendy condos. The invasion of older, moneyed buyers has 'created a gold rush' in some of these areas." I predict that you will greatly enjoy that story's depiction of wealthy, middle-aged Manhattanites flocking to Williamsburg in order to revel in its alleged "hip" vibe, which they are unwittingly destroying! Just as the young whites that they price out of Williamsburg will destroy the alleged "real" vibe of the temporarily lower-priced Brooklyn neighborhoods into which they/we move! Everything is an orgy of destruction! Who's hip now? Nobody!

ITEM: Home prices in the rest of the country are also too expensive for you.

See you guys in Detroit.

[Photo: Flickr]