If they ever made a porn parody of Sophie's Choice, big bust legend Elizabeth Starr would be a shoo-in for the lead role.

Starr, 44, is staring down the double barrel of her own impossible decision: Lose her iconic O-cup breasts or risk developing a blood clot that could end her life.

Back in the day, the then up-and-comer installed a pair of polypropylene breast implants (AKA string implants) — highly controversial devices that have since been banned in both the US and Europe.

They work by absorbing water over time, thus ensuring that the implant — and, consequently, the breast — continues to grow indefinitely after surgery.

Irritation, infection, and 63 corrective procedures followed Starr's 1999 augmentation, and now doctors have told her she must either undergo a double mastectomy or risk life-threatening complications.

But Starr is refusing to even consider getting rid of her prized possessions.

"After 63 procedures on my right breast and fighting to keep my career and my breast, I honestly don't think that I could," the mother-of-two told Barcroft Media. "A mastectomy would take away my livelihood and I don't know what else I would do."

She continued:

It's hard when you have been a victim of something and it's even harder when you choose a path in life where people might look down on you and think, 'She deserved it.' But I wouldn't wish this on anyone and I hope my story will act as a warning.

[H/T: FilmDrunk, video via BarcroftTV]