California Cops in Helicopter Shoot and Kill Robbery Suspect During High-Speed Chase

After a 100-mph chase heading south on the northbound side of the 215 Freeway, Southern California police deputies fatally shot a man wanted on suspicion of a home-invasion robbery, BuzzFeed News reports.
The pursuit, which passed through the cities of Fontana and San Bernardino before its lethal conclusion, began when deputies tried to pull the suspect over and he fled, San Bernardino Sheriff’s Deputy Olivia Bozek told Buzzfeed.
At one point, the man got out of his SUV while it was still moving and fled on foot, Bozek said. The car continued down the road before crashing into another vehicle. According to NBC Los Angeles, three were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.
The suspect was shot by a deputy in a police helicopter tracking the chase. “The deputy decided to shoot to avoid any further injury to people in the area,” BuzzFeed reports. Officials would not confirm whether the shots were fired before or after the man left his vehicle.
The suspect died on the freeway, NBC Los Angeles reports. “It’s a public-safety issue,” Bozek said. “Once he starts going the wrong way, obviously he doesn’t care about passengers or pedestrians or other cars that are around.”
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