Cameron Diaz is reportedly engaged to be married. This is truly great news for her, a 42-year-old movie star who was on the cover of Cosmo this month. But, mocking the public which only seeks to wish her well, Cam has now displayed two different sparkly rings on her left hand. Is this some kind of joke to you, Cam? Where's the real ring?

In October, Cam posed on the red carpet wearing a "sparkling ring" on the fourth finger of her left hand, which sparked rumors that she was engaged to ex-Good Charlotte band member Benji Madden. Now, Cam has been spotted wearing an entirely different sparkly ring on the fourth finger of her left hand, days after Us Weekly and People reported the news of her engagement.

Is this one the real ring, Diaz? Or another one of your hilarious decoys? Enough with the shell game—this is serious.

Last week, an inside source told Us Weekly that Cam "doesn't really care about getting married." Huh, well, you know what? Other people care. Other people find this to be a big deal. She could at least care enough to post a close-up of her real, **official** engagement ring on Instagram like everybody else.

[Photo via Getty]