A New York City man on a lot of drugs ended up clinging to the side of a speeding taxi for nearly eight miles after he tried unsuccessfully to carjack it.

Police say 26-year-old Matthew McCorkle tried to carjack a New York City taxicab near the Bruckner Expressway on Monday around 2 am. When the driver hit the gas, McCorkle hung on.

At some point another motorist noticed what was happening and started filming as McCorkle continued to try to break into the cab, banging and kicking at the windows—all at speeds between 60 and 70 miles per hour.

"If I stop the car, this guy tried to get in my car," the driver, who also began swerving to dislodge McCorkle, explained to CBS. The witness who filmed the encounter told the Daily News that the driver sped up every time McCorkle tried to put his feet on the ground.

Eventually the driver hit a traffic jam and McCorkle jumped off. Police say McCorkle successfully carjacked a 61-year-old man and took off in his Toyota Corolla. He was finally arrested when he crashed the Corolla into a truck.

McCorkle, who has a long rap sheet, apparently admitted to "mixing an illegal cocktail of drugs" earlier in the evening.