Celebrity Gift Bag Peddlers Use Robin Williams for (Bad) PR

Robin Williams' death—like many celebrity deaths—was marked by an outpouring of clumsy attempts to use it as a way to get PR for something other than Robin Williams. Today: we honor Robin Williams by using his name as a way to peddle celebrity gift bags.
A Gawker Media writer received this email today. I guess the only context you need is... Robin Williams died less than two weeks ago, and this company's slogan is "Connecting Powerful Products With Powerful People."
From: Sara Paul
Subject: Robin Williams
To: [unfortunate journalist]
After the recent tragic dealth of Robin Williams, my partner and I realzied how much the entertainment industry really needs healing. In 2014, we launched a project in which we have been giving gift bags full of organic, vegan products as well as healing services like massage, accupuncture, reiki, etc. Robin Williams was one of the celebrities who received our gift bag in June 2014. Scott and I now realize even more that you never know what is going on behind the scenes and who might really be in need of healing services, raw foods, yoga, meditation, etc. We recall the same thoughts after Michael Jackon died. Going forward, we have decided to step deeper into our own healing gifts and offer our healing services to the entertainment industry. We recently went to Jim Carrey's publicist's office and did healing work on her and the office as well as Will Smith's assistant. We were very well received. Jim Carrey's publicist even wrote a testimonial for us on our website... For our future gift bags, we are going to include more healing services, so if you or anyone you know is in the healing arts industry and/or has organic vegan product to share, please send them our way.
Thank you,
Sara Paul
Scott Manning
Sure will.
[Photo: AP]